This is a simple platformer where you guide yourself through the hazards and into the goal. Simple enough? Now here's the catch: you have to switch the platform on and off in order to complete the level. Are you up to the task?

Currently this game has 15 levels, and if there are demands, I might create some more!

You can play the game in the browser (using Unity WebGL), or you can also download it and run the executable (Windows only). This game actually first published as a downloadable, so no changes are made to the web version.

[Note: This game contains bright colors and (some) fast moving object. It might not suitable for people who have photosensitive epilepsy.]


Joystick is recommended to make gameplay easier.

Move left & right - A / D / Left arrow / Right Arrow / Left Analog Stick
Jump - W / Up Arrow / (A) Button
Force Fall - S / Down Arrow / (B) Button
Fast Forward - Shift Key / (X) Button

Pause Game - Escape Key / (Start) Button

Toggle Color - Minus Key-Plus Key/Left Bumper-Right Bumper
You can also toggle to specific color by pressing Y / U / I / O / P key

Retry Level (Practice Mode only) - Backspace Key / (Back/Select) Button

Gameplay Mechanics

The gameplay is very simple; guide your little white square to the goal! Control it using keyboard or joystick.

Later on, you'll find other colored platforms that can be switched on and off. Some levels may or may not "forcing" you to do this in order to make it to the goal.

Circles are your enemy! Don't touch it or you will have to restart the level. Colored circles act like platforms too; they can be switched on and off! Use this to your advantage so you can gleefully avoid the (deadly) circles.

You'll be awarded points when you touch the goal. You can boost your score by blazing through the level as fast as you can, collecting hard-to-reach stars, and beating the level under the ace time.

In Practice Mode, you can replay all levels that you have played in Arcade mode. Stats for every level can be seen here. You'll be awarded a Master Medal too if you can both collect the star and beat the level within the ace time. See if you can achieve them on all levels!


All assets (except for audio) are created by me (Dichi)
SFX provided by
BGM is "The Boss" by Multifaros, available at

BTW, this is my first time creating a platformer.  If there are something wrong with the game, feel free to drop a comment!


Switchables for 27 MB

Development log

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